Mateno in the Esperanto language makes reference to tomorrow, and that was precisely the concept that all those who participated in the demonstrations that claimed individual freedoms, dignity of all human beings and the ability to dream, dreamed of. The Prague Spring, The Paris Commune, or a rising fist in the Mexico Olympic Games might have been the most visible face of endless everyday acts in the battle against the established power. This is how Mateno allows us to remember and also dream again of a different future.

Mateno en idioma Esperanto hace referencia al mañana, y precisamente fue ese concepto que soñaron todos aquellos que participaron en las manifestaciones que reivindicaban las libertades individuales, la dignidad de todos los seres humanos y la capacidad de soñar. La primavera de Praha, La comuna de Paris o un puño en alto en las olimpiadas de México fueron quizás la cara más visible de un sin número de actos cotidianos de lucha contra órdenes impuestos. De esta forma Mateno nos permite recordar y a su vez volvemos a soñar con un mañana diferente.

To celebrate 50 years of videoart, conventionally recurrent on 2013, Magmart | video under volcano organize the videoartistic project 100×100=900 (100 videoartists to tell a century).

The project has traveled the world in an international tour, which touched 29 different countries, with 66 exhibitions, for a total of 451 days of screenings 2013/2014.